Budapest Offices

Corvin Panorama Tower

1082 Budapest, Futó utca 47.

15 €/m2
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The Corvin Panorama Tower is 'A' category office building, which has received the highest degree certificate of the BREEAM environmental certification system. It is indeed an iconic building: a diamond-shaped, mathematically accurately sized facade with glass cover that results in unmatched architectural shapes. The office building has two separate staircases, five office- and one parking floors. The building is located in the Corvin district, which can be easily reached from any point of the city by public transport and by car. The office building is not only unique in its exterior, as almost every aspect of the office provides a unique view of the Corvin Promenade. The office space at the top floors of Corvin Plaza's glass-covered windows provides a stunning panorama for office staff and guests.


  • 24 hour reception
  • Restaurant
  • Bank
  • ATM
  • Bakery
  • Coffee shop



Enquire about this office space or call ‭+36 30 949 9709‬

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