Budapest Offices

Millenáris Modern Irodaház

1024 Budapest, Lövőház utca 35b

16-18 €/m2
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Millenáris Business Center Modern is a new office building created by the partial demolition and renovation of the U-shaped factory building of the Ganz plant. It can be approached from Lövőház Streetas well as from MillenárisPark. Its facade is also covered in ceramics, but with a color scheme that is more conservative than that of the Avantgarde building. Apart from the difference in appearance, the Avantgarde and Modern buildings offer the same quality of services.
Millenáris Business Center Modern offers office space to let on four floors, from the first to the fifth floor. The top floor hosts a large meeting room and a spectacular panoramic terrace. The reception and the café/restaurant are located on the ground floor. This floor also offers a mezzanine and a connecting outdoor terrace.
Thanks to their up-to-date technical solutions, Millenáris Business Centers meet all modern-day requirements, and are one of the most flexible and most productive office complexes of inner Buda.


  • 24 hour reception
  • Restaurant
  • Storage
  • Proximity card entry
  • Coffee shop



Enquire about this office space or call ‭+36 30 949 9709‬

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