Budapest Offices

Margit Palace

1027 Budapest, Henger utca 2.

15-16 €/m2
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Margit Palace is one of the most modern business centers of Budapest, seamlessly combining past and future.
The five-story building offers class A office space and service units on17 138 m2 of usable floor area, with underground parking facilities for 254 vehicles. The building that once functioned as a streetcar depot and is currently under a local preservation ordinance has been reborn while maintaining its ancient heritage and protecting its architectural values. The wing boasting last century elegance and the new units, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, have merged into one of the most select business centers of the capital. Encompassed byTölgyfa Street,Fekete Sas Street andHenger Street, behind its red granite masonry in line with the original color scheme of the building and its nearly hundred-year-old, completely restored facade, the property offers facilities that are fit for the 21st century in all their aspects.


  • 24 hour reception
  • Proximity card entry



Enquire about this office space or call ‭+36 30 949 9709‬

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