Budapest Offices

Office Garden I

1117 Budapest, Aliz u. 1.

12-13 €/m2
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Office Garden business park is located in one of the most dynamically evolving areas of Budapest, near the Danube in the 11th District, encompassed by Szerémi Roadand Budafoki Road, 5 minutes away from Lágymányosi (Rákóczi) Bridge. The project 's developer, Hungarian-owned GRT Group takes advantage of materials of the highest quality and cutting-edge technologies to create a business center that can meet the highest expectations while at the same time being efficiently operated and therefore competitively priced. Utmost attention is given to environmentally friendly solutions in the building process as well as during operation. Új Buda shopping center, located next to Office Garden, offers a range of shops and services for the employees.


  • 24 hour reception
  • Restaurant
  • Proximity card entry
  • Bakery
  • Coffee shop



Enquire about this office space or call ‭+36 30 949 9709‬

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