Budapest Offices

Szépvölgyi 22. Irodaház

1025 Budapest, Szépvölgyi út 18-22.

13.5 €/m2
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The Szépvölgyi 22 Office Building is located on theKolosy Squareside of Szépvölgyi Road. With a car it can be comfortably accessed via the Felhívízi Lane (by passing the traffic of Szépvölgyi Road). On foot the nearby commuting hubs (Kolosy Square, HÉV (suburban railway) can be reached easily.

The building offers a flexible partitioning system; this way rooms of just about any size and shape can be created. The toilets and the main entrances of the offices open from the space in front of the elevators. If the tenants express a need there is the possibility to install additional toilets, further more kitchens can be added to the offices.


  • 24 hour reception
  • Storage
  • Proximity card entry



Enquire about this office space or call ‭+36 30 949 9709‬

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